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UNWORLDING... the art form formerly known as 'out of body experience,' 'astral travel,' 'lucid dreaming,' 'phasing,' 'the quick switch,' etc.




October 31, 2017

We do not experience the world, but mental models of the world.

      --Stephen LaBerge

As difficult as the truth may be, it is beautiful; for beauty is born from truth. When you begin to remove the numbing devices from your life, it is possible that you may come face to face with a desert, and you will try to avoid it by numbing yourself once again. However, there comes a time when you can no longer numb yourself regardless of how much you try to, because the numbing devices no longer have power over you: suddenly, you lose the enthusiasm you previously had for sex, money, food and power. If this is your case, then this desert needs to be crossed.

      --Sri Prem Baba

Treat every dream as if it was the most lucid, transcendant, euphoric, ecstatic, personally relevant and revealingly insightful experience you could ever have wished for. This will gradually merge your physical and unworlding experiences and habits into a unified world, an altered reality where you can live all the time.

DISCLAIMER: If merging with the dream world happens too fast and you start drawing too much attention to yourself and your practice, get too excited and vocal, feel yourself losing your grip on what others call 'reality', then back off and rebalance. This beginner's mistake is just an overindulgence, a naive pretense. Getting stuck in 6ness is the cause. The solution in our times is often to stay away from the soul-sucking siphon of social media (i.e. websites pretending to be social media) and focus on your physical reality--the solid one you can touch and take pictures of--at the same time that you focus on your unworlding reality. Life is always a balancing act.

Unworlding is not a religion or a belief system, but your belief system has a big influence on what you will experience in the Unworld. Your belief system should be fluidly concocted from your own needs and interests, not mine or some guru's. Not Robert Monroe's or Patricia Garfield's or Carlos Castaneda's or Robert Bruce's or Stephen Laberge's or Michael Raduga's or Frank Kepple's, but from yours. Otherwise you run the risk of falling into the bottomless pit of religious conversion. The signs and symptoms of this condition include a nagging, gloomy, fretting and fussing over whether or not you're doing your practice right. Also known as spiritual materialism or just 'idiocy'. You might find yourself watching every YouTube, reading every book, joining every online group, then one day you look up and... Hey! Look! No practice! No results! Just a bunch of busywork, and in our times that often means frittering away your time and energy online and making a fool of yourself. I do this all the time, just to remind myself never to do it again.

That being said... do not fail to treat every dream as if it was the most lucid, transcendant, euphoric, ecstatic, personally relevant and revealingly insightful experience you could ever have wished for. This is, in fact, the 4th Law of Unworlding.

What does this mean? To treat every dream as if it was... all that stuff I just said. Well, it does not mean go off the deep end into flutterbrain world. (See disclaimer.) Balance is essential, equanimity is essential. Keeping a dream journal is not the act of a flutterbrain. It is a physical act, and that is its big secret. By drawing your dream experiences into your consciousness when you're wide awake in the cohesive, coherent state we call 'the physical,' you mix the various types of unworlding experience into the conscious mind. The conscious mind responds by being more aware of its own dream experiences when you're unworlded (i.e. asleep or otherwise not in a conscious/physical state). That just means your lucidity increases in general during most dreams. Recording your dreams with enthusiasm is guaranteed to give you regular amazing experiences, which will motivate you. Gradually you will see what you used to call 'the real world' and what you used to call 'the dream world' become a unified world.

Another more fanciful way to state the 4th Law of Unworlding is: All experience is dreaming and all dreaming is lucid. This is not meant to be provable or some thought-drug you abuse until you get yourself stuffed into a straight jacket down at your friendly local Funny Farm. It boils down to the fact that in order to make unworlding a natural act, like brushing your teeth or walking across the street, you have to personally, for yourself, redefine dreaming, experience, and lucidity.

So we'll try to take this statement apart a little: All experience is dreaming and all dreaming is lucid.

Lucidity is the experience of Noticing.. Knowing what's going on. One effective way my dreams have of getting my Attention is for my 6ness dream body or Cwahacoy to appear as a desirable companion offering me love and affection, which pretty much amounts to Attention, which is the currency or money of the Unworld. That's why they say "pay" attention. It's money. You can be in all kinds of dreams that you aren't going to remember because you aren't paying Attention and/or you don't just get up to write them down as soon as you return to the physical which I prefer to call the Dayly Dreame. If you forget something, it's no longer real. It was real while it happened if you were aware of it, but when the memory's gone, the reality of that experience is lost. It still exists in another world, and you can go fetch it in an unworlding experience or if you have a really good hypnotist or if you get hit on the head just the right way, but for the most part, that lost memory is just a two-dimensional non-entity with no awareness, sayonara. This is no way to treat the experiences that our dream bodies share with us.

If you even vaguely remember a dream, it is lucid to that vague degree. The practice of breaking dreams down into only two degrees, lucid and non-lucid, and of breaking unworldings down into LDs and OBEs, is toxic to the mindset of a beginner. Beginners are already plagued with self-sustaining, reflectively experience-generating doubts, and then here come the jaded experts, the Discouragement Fraternity, the Lucidity Nazis, the 40-year veterans, pooh-poohing the best efforts of beginners and in general trying to make beginners skip the process of being a beginner. Thus guaranteeing that the beginner will never grow into an expert. The experience of being a beginner is the growth process; it's not a step we can just skip by sitting at the feet of an expert. All the experts had to start out as beginners except for those who couldn't stop unworlding if they wanted to, and these folks have nothing to teach us because they don't know how they got that way.

It's wrong, because it's bad for the practice, to wake up after a night full of dreamings and indulge in emotionalistic discouragement and frustration because you "didn't get lucid" or "didn't leave your body". This is a bunch of poppycock and will one day be seen for what it is: a bunch of poppycock. The most reliable way to generate lucidity is to Notice and appreciate every drop of lucidity you have, and writing down every detail you can remember from your dreams is how that's done. No matter who you are or how much your other habits and practices are lacking, this mechanical, physical act, done with enthusiasm, will make a huge difference. You don't have to be the teacher's pet of any guru with a perfect foot-long beard, in order to sit down and record your dreams. You just have to be motivated, so read this chapter over till you get the point.

Starting right here and now, I am redefining lucidity as being aware of an experience. I don't mean being aware of being aware, or anything fancy like that. You can be stumbling around like a drunk in a dream and if you remember the dream when you wake up, then you should appreciate that you were lucid enough to remember it, and welcome lucidity into your world by writing down everything you remember. Writing it down makes it real in this world. Otherwise if you're like me, you'll forget the dream.

Lucidity in any experience is something that can increase or decrease. A classic OBE exit can lead to a dull, dark, experience, while a so-called 'non-lucid dream' where it never occurs to you that you're dreaming could be the most inspiring experience of your life, and this is true in my case. The purpose of the perfectly useful terms 'OBE' and 'lucid dream' is to provide an instant distinction to meet our communication needs of the moment. This is a semantically useful distinction but not a substantive one at a basic level. So the purpose of the new generalized term 'unworlding' is to place all such experiences firmly in the same category. The practice of causing lucidity to increase by making the effort and making the sacrifice of time and energy is lucidity itself: it is Paying Attention. In the Unworld, if you want to make something real, you have to pay for it. With your Attention.

We've allowed the experts to create an artificial barrier to increasing our lucidity by adopting their arbitrary designation of lucidity as "knowing that you're dreaming." Let's call that the Official Lucidity Designation of the Lucidity Nazis, or some unpronounceable acronym that we'll be stuck with till the next century. How about "government-approved lucidity" or GAL. OK, never mind, the point is this: Lucidity starts as a wee seed, it doesn't grow out of the top of a hurdle set in our way by experts trying to sell books.

All dreams are lucid unless they are completely unrecalled. If you know you dreamed but don't recall one wisp of anything about that dream except that it occurred, it still bears a seed of lucidity which should be appreciated and recorded. As a value on a scale, lucidity builds on itself. At some point you will remember who you are during a dream experience to a greater or lesser degree. In practical experience, picking up your pen and setting it to paper will loosen up memories you didn't know were there. Many times the best part of the dream will hide itself from my memory until I finish writing all the more mundane little details down, then suddenly a door opens and the good stuff pours out. I have also had dream memories fall out of cold storage when I was describing the dream to someone else. There are cultures where average families actually get out of bed and discuss their dreams over breakfast, but I don't think these cultures subscribe to the Petrodollar.

The Uppers are not going to waste much energy on you if they can tell you really don't care for unworlding events that require an effort on your part, that payment you have to make, which is Attention. So: take the time and trouble to Notice and appreciate and make sure you remember the lucidity you've already been granted in the form of so-called non-lucid dreams, and then more lucidity will come your way. And leaving all the work till you're asleep is about as useful as getting drunk before a job interview.

And don't waste your time lying in bed, scratching your butt and trying to remember your dream. If you wake up from a dream without moving or opening your eyes, you might want to Chain back in for more of the same, or roll out or Just-Stand-Up. But once you open your eyes and move your body around scratching and stretching, you'd be better off setting pen to paper than lying in bed watching memories fade faster than you can put names to them. If you're not gonna get unworlded, you want to leap out of that bed and run to your writing table right now, jot down every main point quickly, and then immediately turn those notes into a coherent, detailed narrative. This is the act of someone who cares. This act will light a fire under your dream bodies and they'll be falling all over themselves to give you more and more awesome experiences in dreams until you merge into the Unworld never having bothered to practice "the rope technique" blah blah blah.

The reason most beginners never get good at this is that they splinter their awareness among countless pseudo-techniques which are just distortions of the One technique: stay aware in a slimmed-down form while allowing awareness of the body to fade further and further into the background. Most so-called techniques pick one or more senses--visual, tactile, auditory, kinesthetic--and try to keep these senses aware of something/anything while we give up awareness of the physical body. We seek a mechanical act which will pry us "out of our bodies," like a big spoon scooping hard ice cream out of a plastic box. Because we don't understand the nature and purpose of these techniques, what we mostly manage to do is to demonstrate disbelief in the naturalness of the skill. Failure builds on failure and self-doubt builds on self-doubt. On the other hand, writing down all our dreams in detail is the mechanical act we seek, because it works, reliably, for everybody. And unlike getting unworlded, it is in fact a physical act that your conscious mind can, should, and must take control of.

One reason it's so hard for unworlders to have longer experiences is that their first thought, upon realizing they are unworlded, is to be afraid that the experience will be oh-so-short. This is a self-defeating, self-sustaining doubt. I'm not talking about optimism vs. pessimism, I'm talking about knowing how to clear the mind. The Unworld is a mirror of your own inner condition, so you have to make plans while you're wide awake, of what you will do when you suddenly realize you're dreaming or become "officially government-approved lucid". This is where you start having a choice about what to do in the Unworld, but waiting till you get there doesn't work, because the conscious mind doesn't work on itself when it's half asleep. These plans have to be made and continuously reinforced while you're awake, written down every day before you go to bed so that your Intent Agenda is the last thing you think about before you start drifting off.

So what constitutes a doubt-free Intent Agenda? Well, most importantly is what such an Intent Agenda should not include. You have to understand the dualistic nature of desire. Look at the chicken game at the bottom of the page. That's why our Intent Agenda should be about positive actions we plan to engage in, instead of something like "I want to be unworlded longer than last time because last time I only stayed unworlded for 15 seconds and that kinda sucked." I'm not talking about positive thinking, which is the worst kind of dualistic thinking. You have to use stand-alone positives which do not auto-generate their dualistic opposite (like the chicken game does).

Consider the Taoist philosophy that dwelling on whether or not you are happy just tricks you into being unhappy. In dichotomous pairs, one member of the pair exists because the other does, so focusing on one will remind you of the other. So you have to find standalone positives to put on your agenda, which are not so much positive as they are beyond being dualistic.

I can't go into much detail on what will work because my earlier experiences over a year ago were more lucid than some of the later ones. In the first part of my practice I'd just finished writing a book and was giving my all to the practice. But then when I started compulsively writing more and more, I didn't have as much time and energy to do my daily microsleep sessions and meditations, so I was lucky to have Official Lucidity for a few seconds. Whereas my first three unworldings when I started this practice in late 2015 were full-blown OBEs and the fourth was a longer unworlding bearing characteristics of both OBEs and lucid dreams. After that the experiences started getting shorter. So I ask myself: what was different at first? The short answer is that when I finish this dang website and go back to doing my practice instead of philosophizing about it, I will re-experience what an unworlding practice is really all about!

But here's a list of some of the Intent Agenda items that I quickly ticked off the list before I started worrying about having longer experiences, a trend which seemed to have an opposite-to-the desired effect by shortening the experience: looking in a mirror; rubbing my hands to deepen; diving into the ground to teleport; visiting my higher self. After this, I became embroiled in a love-hate relationship with my insides a.k.a. psychobabble and self-improvement, and the result was self-doubt, which generated shorter experiences and less control. In two dozen officially lucid experiences ensuing, I've done a lot of superfluous flying, floating, and whizzing around, but only managed to tick off a few agenda items, including: finding the off-switch to my whinebox; kissing the ground; crawling instead of flying; and experiencing sleep paralysis consciously. I have no complaints. Every unworlding is awesome and every shred of lucidity should be appreciated and built on. In the long run--and eternity is a very long run--we have nothing worth clinging to except awareness itself.

My final point is that people who hate to write are people who think they hate to write. As someone who has always been driven to write, compulsively, even when I didn't want to, I remember the early days when I would buy a special notebook and stare at it for days, afraid to besmirch it with the wrong words. One day I set pen to paper and just started writing, however I felt like saying it, and by age twenty, I'd written three books. Now let me assure you that I was a compleat idiot and those books weren't worth reading. But by letting those wrong words fly anyway, I lost my fear of saying the wrong thing and learned that only the first few words are nearly impossible to get onto paper; after that the process of writing seems to fuel itself. So it doesn't matter if it's written well or correctly. What matters is that you pick up the pen and do your best, every single day, to do justice to the Unworld that you claim to be interested in. You'll be amazed at the results, I promise you.

Here is the full version of the 4th Law of Unworlding: Treat every dream as if it was the most lucid, transcendant, euphoric, ecstatic, personally relevant and revealingly insightful experience you could ever have wished for. This doesn't have to be true about any particular dream. You don't have to believe it or try to force yourself to believe it. You have to record your dreams as if you believed it, because doing this with enthusiasm will cause the conscious mind and the dream mind to become the same thing. Worrying about duration of the lucidity during the dream should be replaced with forward-moving activities and anything that engages the senses, because worrying is self-doubt which spontaneously aborts the dream experience due to the dualistic nature of striving, which is a focusing on what you don't have.

  • Point at highlighted words to read definition here.